

Om Divya Darshan.

Hindu Youth Universe

You've been told to follow certain customs, just because you are a Hindu. Answers, seem hard to come by - well - here's all you've always wanted to learn about Hindu dharma. Festivals and Worship Is there really anyone who would not want to play with colors during Holi or see and hear the fire-crackers during Diwali?

But did you know that there is an even more intriguing story behind the festivities? Get To Know India(Bharat) Hindu dharma originated in Bharat (India). What is this country that gave birth to this great philosophy and nurtured this unique way of life.

Click here and explore Bharat (India) Scriptures for Youth If you thought that reading scripture is for grandparents-think again. Here, we bring to you, Hindu scriptures, presented especially for the youth. Stories A culture 5000 years old has infinite number of stories. And Grandpa has done a great job to re-tell these stories using today's terminology. Songs and Music Hindus use music as an aid in their worship. Whether shlokas or bhajans, Hindu music is inspiring and reflective.

The Hindu classical music iinspires and entertains at the same time! Health and Fitness A sound mind must always go with a sound and healthy body. From Suryanamaskar to Yogasana, the ancient Hindu exercies are designed to fulfil this goal. Food too, plays an important role in Hindu life.

FAQs by young children to parents:

Q #1. Mom, can you tell me about the Hindu religion ...

Yes, dear, that's a very good question. First of all, let me start with some basics. Hinduism is not a religion in the strict sense of the word. It is recommendation for living a disciplined, pure and blissful life needed for God realization.

Q #2. Mom can you please tell me more about the Vedas and dharma ...

The Vedas are the original scriptures of Hinduism on which entire Hindu way of life is based. The ethical way of living as suggested in the Vedas is called dharma. Dharma is God's divine law for discipline and proper development of human beings.

Q #3. Could You Tell Me Some More About Reincarnation ...

Yes my child. The word reincarnation literally means coming again into physical body. According to our scriptures, a soul passes into a body at birth and migrates into another body at death.

Q #4. Mom, what does the "Om" sound and sign mean ? ...
"Om" is the most sacred syllable often spoken during the practice of any Hindu rites. It is a holy character of the Sanskrit language, the language of God. The character is a composite of three different letters of the Sanskrit alphabet.

Q #5. I know Amen is used a lot in other religions ...

No, they both have different meanings. Amen is spoken to assert faith at the end of a religious proclamation.

Q #6. Why do Hindus have so many gods and goddesses ...

Actually, Hi ndus believe in only one formless and all-pervading, all-existing, and all-blissful God. That formless God, however, can best be realized by concentrating on various forms of ideal personalities as recorded in the scriptures.

Q #7. Who are some of these gods and goddesses ?

Most of the gods and goddesses that are worshipped are either incarnations of Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the universe, and his wife Goddess Lakshmi or other deities.

Q #8. Mom, can you tell me about the scriptures in Hindusim ?
Unlike other religions Hinduism is not based on any one sacred writing. Instead it has many sacred books which support the basic thoughts of the Vedas.

Q #9. Mom, would you please tell me about the sacred books which you have just mentioned ...

The Ramayana relates the life story of Ramchandra, the ideal man who is also considered a famous God by Hindus. He was the oldest of the four sons of king Dasharath of Ayodhya -Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata and Shatrughna.

Q #10. Mom, can you tell me about divine incarnations in Hinduism ?

Yes, dear. We believe that whenever there is decline in religious activity on earth Lord Vishnu appears in order to save the human race from an unrighteous way of life, to destroy evils, and to show people a path of dharma (the right duty).

Q #11. How is the caste system related to Hinduism ?

My child, this is one of the most commonly asked questions about Hinduism. The caste system was an important part of the Hindu way of life. During the Vedic age a social classification system called Varnashrama was devised so that the human race could have a smooth and ordered life in society.

Q #12. Mom, please tell me about the Hindu calendar. How is it different ...

Most fasts and festivals in Hinduism are based on the lunar calendar year. According to this, one lunar year is divided into 12 months of 30 days each. Each month is divided into two halves of 15 days, dark and bright.

Q #13. Mom, can you tell me something about the Hindu festivals and fasts ?

Most fasts and festivals in Hinduism are based on the lunar calendar year. According to this, one lunar year is divided into 12 months of 30 days each. Each month is divided into two halves of 15 days, dark and bright.

Q #14. Can you please tell me something about the stages of life in Hinduism ?

Yes, Hindus believe that spiritual development in one's life can be achieved by passing through four equal stages during a life span of 108 years. Each stage is called ashrama, and spans 27 years.

Q #15. Mom, can you please tell me something about Yoga? People often talk about Yoga exercises ...

Yes, they are correct. Hindus seek enlightenment through Yoga. Yoga is a vast system of seeking spirituality in life by controlling body and mind. The word itself means "union with God."

Q #16. Mom, sometimes you talk about sacred rites and ceremonies. Are those related to our religion ?

Very much so. A Hindu way of living is wrapped around various holy rites called Sanskar for obtaining spiritual nourishment, peace of mind and the ultimate goal of liberation, moksha.

Q #17. Mom, I often hear about vegetarian and non vegetarian foods in Hindu homes ..

As I mentioned earlier, our scriptures show us ways to obtain a sound body and mind in order to lead a proper way of life. Proper intake of food is necessary for this purpose.

Q #18. Mom, you have given me a broad description of Hinduism. Can you please tell me ...

Yes. I have told you various aspects of the Hindu way of life. Now I'll repeat the major points and add a few more important facts. First of all, I emphasize that Hinduism is a religion of freedom.

The ten disciplines (Yams and Niyams) of sage Patanjali have been likened to the ten commandments in the religious teachings of the West. This comparison has been used only to provide catchword for youth. As a matter of fact, Hinduism recommends, it does not command.] 5 Principles God exists; One absolute, Om. One trinity: Brahma, Vishnu Mahesh. Several divine forms. Divine nature of human beings Oneness of existence through love Harmony of all religions Knowledge of 3 Gs : Ganga (sacred river), Gita (sacred script), Gayatri (sacred enchant)

  • 10 Disciplines (10 Commandments)
  • Satya (Truth)
  • Ahimsa (Non violence)
  • Brahmacharya (Celibacy, non adultery)
  • Asteya (Non stealing or desire to possess)
  • Aparigraha (Do not bribe or get corrupted by accepting gifts)
  • Shauch (Cleanliness)
  • Santosh (Contentment)
  • Swadhyaya (Reading of scriptures)
  • Tapas (Austerity, penance-practice)
  • Ishwarpranidhan (Regular prayers)

Overview of Hindu Scriptures

Hindu dharma, does not have just one scripture, but several that have been divinely revelead over thousands of years. Shree Bansi Pandit presents an excellent overview of Hindu Scriptures in his book.

The Vedas

Vedas are the most ancient Hindu scriptures. There are four Vedas, here is a nice introduction to the four Vedas by Dr. David Frawley.


Mahavakyas Upanishads describe the doctorine of the Vedas. Dr. David Frawley has beautifully presented the six Mahavakyas (great saying from the Upanishads)


Ramayana is the story of Shree Rama avatar of Lord Vishnu, his consort Sita brother Lakshman and devotee Hanuman and their fight against the evil of Ravana. We present Rajajis rendering of Ramayana is considered to be a classic.


Shree Krishna, an avatar of Lord Vishnu oversees the battle of good vs. evil in this extraordinary scripture. We present Rajaji rendering of Mahabharata.

Bhagwad Gita

Arjuna, a prince, on the side of good, is face-to-face with his cunning cousins. A classic battle of Mahabharata between the good and evil is in the offing, but Arjun has second thoughts. Lord Krishna, charioteer of Arjuna reveals Shree Bhagwad Gita to Arjuna, which has been the guiding ligth for Hindus for over 3500 years.

Tiru Kural

Through the ages, Hindus have developed customs. Customs, for Hindus carry enourmous significance, for they represent not just the rituals - not just something one must do because parents force them - but because they a deeper meaning.

Hindu Youth Forum.

HYF is a totally non-profit, social youth community that acts as a platform for the new generation of Hindus, irrespective of class, caste, sex, sect, language, region and nationality, in fostering mutual interaction, co-operation and brotherhood between themselves and strives to protect their mutual interests through all possible means of action. Formed in 2007 and presently based in Kolkata,

it has already caught the imagination of the patriotic Hindu youths of the city through its innovative approach and a clear understanding of the aspirations of today's Hindu generation. Hope you enjoy our web site and if you share our views and would like to be a part of this movement please contact them.

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